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Knot Detection with the Pact Sense

Myofascial trigger points, commonly referred to as muscle knots, are estimated to affect as much as 85% of the population at some point in their lifetime [1]. A knot is usually no bigger than a pea size and is classified as areas in muscle tissue that are stiffer and hypercontracted, which can lead to pain, decreased range of motion, and tenderness. Typically, they can be assessed by touch or ultrasound. However, those assessments do not allow us to measure how tense that trigger point is, as well as how it changes over time. Using the Pact Sense, we can identify the location trigger points and use this measurement to determine whether or not the knot is becoming more or less stiff over time.

Pact Sense Tracks Soft Tissue Changes from Delos Therapy & Stretch

Muscle pliability has become an increasingly popular topic of conversation. Said to be your muscle’s ability to absorb and dispense forces, athletes, practitioners, and patients are all seeking ways to improve pliability to help the quality of their tissue, longevity, and overall health. Delos Therapy is an innovative technique used to treat chronic pain, injuries, and muscle stiffness. Based on the science of three-dimensional micro-stretching of unhealthy tissue, they are able to directly target symptoms of pain and stiffness and restore pliability. Their technique has proven to be beneficial on numerous clients and is backed by science. With the Pact Sense, we can quantify the mechanical changes to the soft tissue following Delos Therapy to objectively track the benefits and effectiveness of a session.

How the Pact Sense was used to track the effects of sports massage & cupping

The trapezius (trap) is a muscle that begins at the base of your neck and covers across your shoulders, extending down the middle of the back. The trap muscle has many functions, mainly helping with stabilizing your spine, help posture, & assist various movements. Strains are a common condition associated with the trap muscle and are classified based on severity (Grade I, Grade II, & Grade III). Typically strains are accompanied by symptoms of limited mobility, swelling, tenderness, pain, and tightness and can be treated with various techniques. This case goes over a patient suffering from a strained trap and how the Pact Sense was used to assess the effects of sports massage and cupping on this injury.

How the Pact Sense was used to track the efficacy of laser therapy in resolving asymmetry in the left and right upper trapezius leading to neck pain

Neck pain is very common, with 30% of adults in the US will experience neck pain in any given year. It can be caused by many different things, including weak and overused neck muscles, wear and tear on the cervical spine, whiplash, and more. Any shift in the spine such as poor posture or muscle imbalance can significantly affect the surrounding muscle, and often the trapezius muscle is affected. The upper trapezius is a complex muscle in that the muscle crosses over a dozen joints. Shortening of any one of the joints will involuntarily contract the upper trapezius and can produce knots and pain.